Initiatives for the FutureInitiatives for the Future

WHITEESSENCE continues to evolve as a leading company in dental whitening and
aims to popularize dental whitening and cleaning.
To achieve this, we are engaged in the following initiatives.

Initiatives for the FutureInitiatives for the Future

Untiring efforts to innovate in dental whitening and cleaning technology
Future 1

Untiring efforts to innovate in dental whitening and cleaning technology

Sharing the market results of WHITEESSENCE’s presentations at academic congresses and literature and research on dental whitening and cleaning and the results of performance tests
Future 2

Sharing the market results of WHITEESSENCE’s presentations at academic congresses and literature and research on dental whitening and cleaning and the results of performance tests

Globally competitive quality of medical devices
Future 3

Globally competitive quality of medical devices

Utilization of big data from analyses of a total of 1.6 million customers

The dental clinics affiliated with the WHITEESSENCE brand in Japan, which number more than 200, have data from more than 1.6 million customers. This supports the proper management of procedures to be provided on an individual basis.
The data from customer analyses are properly utilized as a part of the bedrock of support for the affiliated clinics’ hospitality-rich treatment of customers. Viewed from a marketing-related perspective, the quantity of customer data has already reached a level that can be considered big data. The potential of the data is maximized and enables us to create oral care products in pursuit of high added value to suit the diverse needs of customers, develop the most advanced medical devices and enhance service quality.
Besides the current use of the database, we will also consider DX (digital transformation), AI (artificial intelligence) and other technology in the future as we contribute to the development of aesthetic dental treatment and office-based dental whitening with the goal of accumulating knowledge using the latest data mining methods.

Preparedness for the development of advanced products such as ultrafine bubbles (UFB)

Our motto for development activities is the pursuit of high added value, functionality and performance by always listening to the voices of dentists and customers to open the door to the new era.
In fact, we have always brought products into the world that we can proudly say are the one and only at that time, such as WHITE ESSENCE Whitening Pro whitener and the WE Light Class II irradiator for dental whitening. An ultrafine bubble (UFB) device released in February 2021 that is a groundbreaking new product created through WHITEESSENCE’s unending technological innovation is positioned as being the latest in terms of functionality and performance.
The ultrafine bubble (UFB) device generates ultrafine bubbles approx. 0.15 nanometer or less in diameter that enter all corners of the mouth to remove dirt, clean and effectively detach and remove plaque and other undesirable substances that have traditionally been unremovable.

Sharing WHITEESSENCE's technological innovation and track record in the media.

WHITEESSENCE continues to refine its dental whitening and cleaning technologies and also places importance on sharing the outcomes of our efforts backed by our technological innovation and track record to consumers, dental clinics and academic societies around the country via the media.
The pursuit of dental whitening and cleaning technologies maintains the fast pace of innovation. WHITEESSENCE is always dedicated to the development of preventive and aesthetic dentistry through the extensive sharing of information about the results of its innovation and research through untiring effort, data from performance tests and other information with the market.
Many people consider dental whitening as something that only whitens the teeth, express concerns, and think that every dental whitening service is the same, but our good customers believe dental whitening is reliable, place importance on dental whitening technology, appreciate the natural whiteness achievable through dental whitening and say dental whitening keeps the teeth healthy. Filling the gaps in the understanding of the general public is what WHITEESSENCE should do more than anything else.
As the leading company, we are fully committed to raising awareness of the genuine dental whitening that WHITEESSENCE offers.

Globally popularize the services and technologies originating in Japan

Our competitive, self-developed whitener and the Japanese hospitality-rich services provided by our franchisees represent value that is unique to Japan. Popularizing this value all over the world is our mission.
Popularizing the value of things from Japan will lead to significant international acclaim for Japan and energize the country. To this end, we explore the overseas expansion of business every day.